Lunchtime: Cat's Cream, with Cat Gibson
Join Cat Gibson every Wednesday Lunchtime for the cream of information about Rutherglen and Cambuslang. Enjoy the cream of music, both new and old from across the decades and through the barricades. Expect news and interviews. So even if you're staying in your Cat's pyjamas or out on the prowl you can be entertained by CamGlen's Cat Gibson.
About Cat
Q1: What is your Presenter name?
Cat Gibson
Q2: Describe your show in 5 words:
Magazine style interviews, reviews, music
Q3: Why did you get involved with CamGlen Radio?
I got involved because I was ennui darling!
Q4: What is your favourite show on CamGlen Radio (that isn’t your own)?
Q5: If you could interview anyone in the world who would it be and why?
Barack Obama because he's smart good-looking and so cool.
Q6: What is your favourite ice cream flavor?
Vanilla, because the rest are just fads
Q7: What is your favourite thing about Cambuslang and Rutherglen?
I love the diversity of the area parks; good transport links into town; variety of places to eat and drink for a small area.
Q8: Tell us three interesting facts about you:
- I have been on stage with two out the three Tenors! Just Domingo to go.
- I lost my car at T in the Park!
- I have sheared sheep and cut peat. Town girl who has country roots